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Importing RAW data and setting new site


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Hello one question.

I?m quite new to NRG. I want to create a new site, so I upload the header from the first RWA file that I have. The offset and the scale factor are always different from my meteorological installation report. Should I have to change them under installation report ? If I do, sometimes happen that symphony tell me that some changes are done and it ask me if I want to process or not. Again do I or not?

For example I just have the installation report, so I quite sure the proper data are in the report.


Last question I don?t? make any change. Also in this case symphony tell me that some changes are done and it ask me if I want to process or not. In this case I let the symphony do and at the end when I have the txt file may be I apply the proper offset and scale factor.


What it is it correct? Both?

Thanks a lot Michela


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