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NRG iPack Patch File Email Size


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NRG iPack Patch File Email Size




Modern email clients such as Outlook will create  large emails if left at the default settings.   The patch file emails can easily default to 7k bytes or larger.


Patch file emails need to be kept as compact as possible.  When an email containing a patch is detected by the iPack, the entire email is downloaded to the iPack;  if the email is too large, the download takes longer and the patch file may not be applied.   The situation is exacerbated by systems inherently running slower data rates such as the Satellite iPack (Satellite runs slower data rates compared to its terrestrial cousins GSM and CDMA). 





How to make a smaller email using Outlook




In Outlook, it is possible to create emails that are well under 1k bytes in size (500 to 700 bytes is achievable).  Once you start an email, go to options>Plain Text.  Delete your signature and  prevent any ?confidentiality statement? from being appended (you made need to work with your IT administrator to have the confidentiality notice removed for specific emails).  Using the plain text email format and removing any signature lines makes the patch email as compact as possible, increasing the patch success rate.  



Other Email Clients



There are other email clients besides Outlook, and the same strategy should be applied to those as well.  Create the smallest size patch email as possible by turning off rich formatting options.


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