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Symphonie doesn't record the minimum values of wind direction correctly

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I realized that the Symphonie doesn't record the minimum value of wind direction correctly.

The value are always zero, or 345 for example.

Otherwise, the max value, standard deviation and average value are ok.

What is the motive for this? Is there anything to correct this?



Erick Castro.

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Hi Erick,

Great question.  The vane minimums are intentionally 0 for a Symphonie logger.  Wind direction is unlike wind speed where min and max values do need to be monitored.  For wind direction, the average and standard deviation are the useful parameters to monitor.

While we are talking about vane min and max I think it is worth mentioning that SymphoniePLUS has slightly different behavior from the Symphonie.  For SymphoniePlus, the function of the vane maximum value has been changed. In Symphonie, the vane max values were reserved for direction of maximum gust and the vane minimum values were always 0. In SymphoniePLUS, both the vane max and vane min will always appear as 0 to the user. SymphoniePLUS does NOT display direction of gust; all other reported values remain unchanged from Symphonie. 

Here is some more information form our knowledgebase:


Symphonie - Vane Maxima and Minima in SDR and Direction of Gust (does not apply to SymphoniePLUS)

Max values are reserved for direction of gust. Vane Min is never used
and is always 0. Each speed channel keeps track of the highest 2 second
gust for each 10 minute averaging interval. When that gust occurs, the
direction of the gust is also recorded by a corresponding wind vane (if

Vane maximum is only updated when a new maximum occurs.  Here is how the 2 second speed gusts are mapped to vane channels:

CH 1 >> CH 7
CH 2 >> CH 8
CH 3 >> CH 9 (if using a vane SCM)
CH 4 (if using a #40 SCM) >> CH 10 (if using a vane SCM)
CH 5 (if using a #40 SCM) >> CH 11 (if using a vane SCM)
CH 6 (if using a #40 SCM) >> CH 12 (if using a vane SCM)

an anemometer is stopped for the whole interval (either no sensor, no
wind, or frozen), Vane Max will be 0. If you are not using a vane SCM
on an analog channel, the max value will be the highest 2 second sample
for the analog channel itself.


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