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Unable to Import Files to Database

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I am using SDRv60026 on Windows Vista. I can load the header. I click on Database and click on Import Raw Files. I get a window to select the RWD files. I get the Batch Processing Window and I click Go!

I get the following message in the Events/Errors

FILENAME20091101 Skipped: Unknown Error!

## files processed and imported!

 The message comes for all the files I download. The batch.log in the Scaled Data folder shows whatever is written in the window.

Has anyone ever encountered something like this? Is there that can be done?


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Thanks for the input.  Your issue may be caused by either:

  • Improper write permissions for the SiteFiles folder
    • The user must have full read/write/delete permssions for the SiteFiles folder
  • The files are corrupt

Check your permissions on the SiteFiles folder.  If they appear to be in order contact NRG tech support for evaluation of the files.

Best regards,

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