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17000 m/s Wind speed!!!


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Hi dear tech support,

 I recieved some raw wind data from one of our sites in Arizona. When I try to read data, i get the following warning:


One or more CRC's do not match - possible bad data. It is likely that you need to set the correct PIN in you site file.

 After this warning a window opens up with data which look really strange since i get spikes that go from 0.4 m/s to 17000 m/s!

 I do not know if these files are just bad data or if I'm using this software in a wrong way!


I really appreciate your help in advance!


- Arshiya Chime


518 253 8501

Northern Arizona University

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Hi Arshiya,

Thank you for your question.

It sounds like the logger was setup with an encryption PIN.  This is a four-digit number that is entered into the logger; this same number must be entered in the Site file on your computer to view the data.

When you find out what the PIN is, enter it in the Site file by pressing Site > Edit Site, then selecting the appropriate site:

Site Information Editor 

If you have more questions about your data, you can send it to support@nrgsystems.com.

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