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WindSensor Information: Power Requirements, Wiring & Testing


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Power Requirements:

When connecting WindSensor anemometers to a SymphoniePLUS3's
preconfigured channels
(1-3, 13-15) an iPack is required
and it should be wired:

  • Brown to Excitation

  • White to Signal


This is because these channels use the 12V excitation from
the iPack to create pulses that get fed into the channel as the sensor's Reed
switch turns on and off.

When using the SymphoniePLUS3's flex channels
(4-6) with a Digital Anemometer SCM no iPack is required; in this
configuration it should be wired

  • Brown to Signal

  • White to Ground


When using a Symphonie or SymphoniePLUS logger counter
(4-6) with a Digital Anemometer SCM, no iPack is required; in this
configuration it should be wired

  • Brown to (-)

  • White to (+)


The Digital Anemometer SCM
routes the logger's 5V through the sensor's Reed switch.


WindSensor Test Instructions:


  • Digital
    voltmeter (DVM)


(WindSensor cups NOT spinning):

  • Disconnect
    the WindSensor from the data logger.
  • Set your digital volt meter to
    the 2K ohm scale.
  • Measure the resistance between
    the White wire (+) and Brown Wire (-) -- cups NOT spinning.
  • A reading of either .OL (Open
    Loop) or 0.330 nominally (or 330 ohms). Slowly move the cups and stop once
    you get a reading. Note: the digital volt meter will give a higher reading
    if the cups are spinning, you want to do this extremely slowly and stop
    every time you get a numerical reading. It should settle around 330 ohms when
    the cups not moving.
  • In a single 360 degree rotation of
    the head, you should see the sensor switch from .OL to 330 ohms to .OL to
    330 ohms. Since this is reed switch anemometer, these are the pulses that
    the logger is reading.
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