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NRG #110s tranfer funcion


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Im making a program to integrate some sensors from NRG in a CampbellSci CR1000 but im having some doubts in the tranfer function that are presented in the specification sheets


for example: in the spec sheet of the NRG #110s i have that the tranfer equation is




Temp = (Voltage * 55,55) - 86,38




This, tells me that im going to read temp between -86,36?C and 52,50?C, correct?


But the same spec sheet tells me that this sensor gives me an output of 0V to 2,5V in a range of -40?C to 52,50?C, that result in the equation




Temp_1 = ( Voltage * 37) - 40




Can anyone help me with this?


Thanks for your time



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Good point.

The 110S temperature sensor's output is a linear function:

 [TEMP = (Voltage x
55.55) ? 86.38 C]

Using this formula, you can derive that at -40 C the output voltage of the sensor is 0.835 V. The range of voltage outputs the sensor will show from -40 C to +52.50 C is 0.835 V to 2.50 V.

Does that answer your question?

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More or less. So what you are saying is that the sensor has a "dead band" between 0V and 0,835V? shouldnt that be in the spec sheet? is this a issue just of this sensor or is this present in other sensors?


Best regards



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 I understand what you are saying:

The spec shows that the output of the sensor is 0 to 2.5V, when in fact it is 0.835 to 2.5V. This is the only sensor in our suite that behaves this way.

We state the 0 to 2.5V spec to show the type of input that is compatible with more generally. I apologize for any confusion.

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