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POP mail extractor


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 Since we installed several metmasts (>9) we get a lot of mails with rwd files that need to be extracted.

I tried to setup the pop mail extractor with an email account only used for the rwd data mails.

However the connection to the mailserver is ok but the files are not extracted or converted to txt. (SDR.exe and POPAuto .exe are in the same Folder)

Are there any other conditions that need to bechecked? (name of Email, Folderstructure......)

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POPAuto can work to extract *.rwds from a POP server and to turn them into TXT files as you mentioned.  Sometimes, POPAuto can run into snags, often when the email server makes significant changes to the header of the email as a result of SPAM filtering or rerouting.  

Check with your IT associates to see whether the header of the emails are getting changed.  Specifically, POPAuto requires that the header includes the word "iChip," which is put there by the iPack.



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  • 1 month later...

 Hi, I'm glad I found this thread as I am working on a small custom application which I want to use to forward (or generate) email to an account which the POPAuto should use to fetch our *.rwd files.  Once I added the X-Mailer header with a value of "iChip" it acknowledged the mail.  But I still can't get it to decode properly. It fails with a generic "Could not decode MIME Message".  Is there something else that it's looking for specifically?  I did notice that the multipart boundary also includes the string "iChip" but before I go down that path I was hoping someone could confirm what the other requirements are.


Thanks for any info!


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Freshman,

Thank you for your question.  The simple answer is no.

iPacks are designed to connect to mail servers that operate on port 25 (SMTP) and port 110 (POP).  This system is not compatible with IMAP servers - as in the case of Gmail.

If you are looking for an email server like Gmail that works with the iPack, you may want to consider GMX (www.gmx.com).  Better yet, Wireless Innovation's Packet Mail service (www.packet-mail.net) was designed specifically for iPacks, and includes some handy troubleshooting tools.  It is not free, but if you have multiple sites it's worth the small service fee.


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